You've Gotta Get It

We've Gotta Get Blogging......Random Thoughts, Random Experiences, and a Lot of Random Stuff.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's OK to say No

Each day we have the pleasure of interacting with so many wonderful people. Whether it is a subscriber, a retailer or each other, our day flies by with the constant interaction.

I find it interesting when you are working on a project with a new partner, and the partner shares the same excitement and passion you do. Our goal is to make a business flourish, and we allow our subscribers to be introduced to these wonderful businesses.

We put a lot of thought and effort into everything we do. We care. We want you to know we care. We pride ourselves on making people happy. However, if what we have to offer isn't a good fit, that is ok. All you need to do is say, "I'm sorry, now is not a good time" or "I'm unable to do this right now."

We still want to connect. We still want to commiserate. We still want to have a relationship. Why do you ignore us? Why do you not respond? Did we do something detrimental to you? If we did, we want to know about it.

You see, it's ok to say no. We understand. We want to be your friend. We want to continue our relationship we have built. So all we ask is that you just say no.

Judy L

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Quality vs. Quantity

I frequently hear people talk about how many friends they have, how many followers they have, and how many of everything they have.

Last night I attended a dinner event where the discussion was about how many people weren't there. I thought to myself, what about the people that were there? Enjoy your surroundings. Embrace the new people that you had the opportunity to meet.

Which brings me to my next point.......I met Gary. Gary really has had a rough time over the past few months. Tough time in his marriage. Tough time not getting to see his children all of the time. And, the biggest tough time when I asked where he lived.........His response "With my ummm ummmm my 80 year old mommy." I told him I thought that was awesome. The women I was with said it was awesome. Why? It's not about a 55 year old man living with his mommy. It was about a 55 year old man spending quality time with his mom.

Here's the bottom line (excuse the list):
1.How many friends on Facebook is really not something you should brag about. How many of those friends you have a quality relationship with is what matters.
2. How many followers on Twitter is really not something you should brag about or beg for more. How many of those followers you build relationships and engage is what matters.
3. Build your circle of friends, acquaintances and loved ones based on quality.

How you treat others will provide the answer to the quality of the relationship. It's not how many; it's how valuable they are to you and you to them.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Things happen in 3s. Unfortunately, this week has really been a challenging week for two very close friends.

My childhood BFF lost her dad. A kind soul with a giant heart, Jerry always was there to cheer me on at my softball games. His warm smile and his open door policy at his house always made me feel really special. Jerry, you truly were a gem.

I arrived home tonight to find a message from my closest guy BFF, DP. He wanted to let me know his gram had passed away today. 94 years young, Grandma Bessie was amazing, and DP was (shhhhh!!) her favorite. I asked him what I could do to help the family. DP's response was, "I know I can be honest with you.....I really need you at the funeral with me on Monday." My response to him was "You got it!" I am so touched that he was honest as he was the one standing on my right side when we laid my Ga to rest. Yes, I too was Ga's favorite.

I hope the 3's doesn't come true. However, I know no matter what, I will always be there to help my friends. One more thing, don't forget to tell your BFF "I love you."

Judy L.
P.S. Did I tell you my college BFF was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last week? Guess what.......I told her I would be there for her every step of the way.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Beauty of Networking

One of the things that I have become known for is my art to network. I am always being asked, "Where can I get this?" "Do you know someone who can do this?" "Do you know anyone in this industry?" You get the picture.

Today, I had the joy of participating in my first YGGI meeting with our founder Maureen and four incredible women who have joined our team. One of the things I realized was that all four women were there and connected to me through the art of networking. Each woman was independent, and they had never crossed each other's paths before. Now they have, and together we are the YGGI team.

I encourage you to network. I encourage you to find some common ground with others. Get out there! Use the power of social media to engage others. You'd be surprised how connected we all are!

Btw, I was encouraged to sign my blogs so you know who I am. As apprehensive as this was to me, it was explained to me that people want to know who they are connecting with whether in person or on our blog.

Judy L.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here It Goes.........

Everytime I have the opportunity to meet people, the conversation goes something like this:
Them: "Do you blog?"
YGGI: "No."
Them: "Why not? You really should blog."
YGGI: "What would I talk about? How would I get my topics?"
Them: "You just answered your own question. Now you really should blog."

Here it goes......this is my first blog entry. What will I talk about? My crystal ball is telling me I will share our experiences. We'll tell you about our neat adventures. We'll tell you about what made us laugh for the day. We'll also share with you our hurdles, and how we got over them with the support around us.

Will we talk about You've Gotta Get It (@GetYourYGGI)? Perhaps. However, YOU make You've Gotta Get It. Hence, we'll talk about YOU. We'll talk about the differences you made for us yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Guess what.....I just completed my first blog entry! It really wasn't so bad!